Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Twitter, eat your heart out.

Day #77 of summer vacation.

09:14 Woke up.
09:25 Searched for jobs.
09:47 Despaired at lack of motivation.
09:58 G-chatted.
10:44 Went to campus to work on internship. First time seeing sun in days.
01:22 Enjoyed sun so much, decided to go to favorite outdoor hotel pool.
01:34 Worked on tan while reading The Count of Monte Cristo.
01:58 Swam. First time not being fat and lazy in weeks.
02:05 Decided I secretly don't want a job.
02:06 Felt better.
02:07 Got kicked out of said pool. Will work on getting different towel, swimsuit, and "I-really-do-fit-in-here" look.
02:11 Despaired again.
02:23 Came home and read inside.
04:19 Practiced hit new song on the guitar.
04:50 Read again.
06:01 Posted on blog.
07:34 Went to farewell dinner and ate large quantities of chicken gyros.
09:16 Sang Norah Jones.
09:52 Told secrets.
11:25 Came home to go to bed.
11:40 Listened to free song on Emusic.
11:45 Looked up English to Latin translations.
12:03 Read again.
12:40 Realized staying up doesn't make the summer go by faster. Finally went to bed.

...only 34 days more to go.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Powerscourt, Co. Wicklow, Ireland.

I know.

I've been so lazy this summer.

I just had to remind myself...and you, dear cool I am. Since we all know that cool-ocity is directly related to one's amount of contact with Hollywood, as well as one's ability to confidently make up words, I thought I would show you this:

From "The Count of Monte Cristo."From MY LIFE.See? Can't you see? Give it up...for yours truly.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

The Flume, ID.

One swift-flowing lazy river over a ravine.
One swallow-you-whole rapid to end it all.
Fifty meters of warped and weathered old boards winding across the top.
Three crazy girls.
One sweet sweet memory.