Dreams are funny things, aren't they? They can be so vivid sometimes--like a memory. To this day I don't know if I've gone waterskiing or not. I have this vague memory of a time but it's just as likely to have been implanted during a sleep-induced state. Like an alien baby.
Just this morning I had a dream involving one of my unwed friends. In this dream my friend was a mother and it wasn't until her adorable, pointy-faced child was brilliantly adding letters together that I realized all the implications of such motherhood--no, not that I could exploit him for money making schemes, but I didn't know who the father was. The immediate feelings of distraught disappointment actually woke me up, and in the remnants of sleepy remembrance I doubted the fidelity of this friend; for no other reason than the ghostly vision of a blue-eyed babe, straight brown hair falling into his eyes.
I've had dreams before about made up fights or where someone's been really mean to me and I wake up feeling like I need to make amends or get the other person to apologize for their very unkind and unwarranted actions...in fact, I've actually done that.
Now, not all my dreams are strangely and emotionally tied to reality, I also have perfectly normal dreams sometimes. Dreams where I steal a bus and accidentally drive it off the edge of a cliff, landing unharmed by a cabin in the woods wearing Aladdin's clothes. Normal.
I still argue that unless I'm dreaming about sparkly vampires making lust in hidden groves of trees, I'm doing all right.
"making lust"...I don't know what you mean by that...could you explain? In a separate post, please!
I do that with dreams all the time. I wake up ticked or angry or really missing someone. Dreams are weird.
Are you saying that its not alright to dream about sparkly vampires making lust in a grove of trees? If so, I'm in trouble....
I've bene dreaming of you, does that mean anything? :o)
Pointy faced? I'm going to pretend like that doesn't mean something.
Interesting. Very Interesting. We should look that up in a book. I'd be interested in the interpretation.
haha laura! i love how you wrapped this one up.
As long as you aren't sleepwalking while dreaming all this I think your good.
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