Wednesday, June 09, 2010

The things I left behind.

No, I'm not going to talk about singing in my car, dancing with my friends, or my dear dear mother. Nor am I referring to streaming Hulu, Chicken in a Biscuit crackers, or my laptop...which I still haven't gotten back.

This post is about the last weekend before I came to Europe. Yes, my friends, this post is about my modern dance troupe and our time in Goblin Valley, U.S.A.

So my friends and I decided to have one last hurrah before I left them forever, I mean, for the summer which would undoubtedly feel like forever. Enter Goblin Valley. A few of my friends had never been and I never seem to get tired of it. It's a place like no other, this little lumpy valley.

So we went, we saw, we conquered the cuss out of that thing. We threw rocks...we went on a hike for little kids...we pretended like it was really fun...

...I took a lot of pictures of our token Asian male taking a lot of pictures...

...or posing like Aunt Jemima...

...we tried to fly kites, we failed, we threw paper airplanes instead...

...we found the best secluded camping spot...

...lastly, we took pictures for our new album entitled, "Jericha Road - The All Girls Boy Band."

Seriously amazing.


Angie said...

When do you guys hold auditions for your band? I totally want in! Great post!!!

Kristin said...

Simply awe inspiring...I can totally tell which silouette is yours.