Friday, October 17, 2008

"50 Things to Do During the Day When You Work Nights."

#24: Borrow friend's expensive, fancy camera and cultivate a promising photography talent.

I apologize that few of these are actually artistically interesting, but this is what I did all week during my fall break with it. Oh, and some of them should be enlarged to be appreciated.

#3,16,26,51: Lunch with Stef.

...lunch to follow.


Stephen Anderson said...

So for some reason my RSS reader was with-holding your blog from me, and then it just gave me the last 30 entries that you made all at once. So I feel like I've just experienced your entire life, or the last year anyway, all at once and it was AMAZING! The wonderful world of Laura Shearer. And I like your pictures a lot. They're great. Keep it up friend.

Becky said...

I'm impressed

Anonymous said...

These are better than the blue ribbon photos I saw at the State Fair this year. So unofficially you are a blue ribbon winner. Now in your other spare time (ha-ha)you should start growing a lamb or rabbit or random animal to earn a ribbon in another category...I'm just saying.

P.S. I'm glad you are going to be an engineer.

The Everyday Housewife said...

OK, so do you really think it's fair for one person to be blessed with so many talents!! LOVE the pix, Laura! Amazing!!

Anonymous said...

I agree, Ness. Spread the wealth, Laura, or else!