Saturday, January 17, 2009

I am NOT a morning person.

My first semester at BYU I took a class at 9:00 in the morning. My second semester at BYU I vowed to never take a class at 9:00 again. So I didn't.

Until now.

This semester, I've been forced to sign up for a class at 7:30 in the morning 4 days a week. I know, I know--all you people with jobs are groaning and rolling your eyes at my pathetic complaining. I've been there before. I thought it would help me. It didn't. Refreshed and rejuvenated are not words to describe how I feel that early in the morning. Instead, I feel muddle-headed and sick and wanting the world to crash down on top of me just so I can sleep again. That includes days I get to bed on time. Maybe I have a chemical imbalance...maybe my circadian cycle is perpetually set to the wrong time zone...maybe my old roommate shouldn't have thought I was lazy for sleeping in past 8:30.

It's remarkable to me that early-morning seminary was ever a part of my life. Perhaps now you'll understand why I barely passed. It's difficult to see but those highlighted numbers are my absences and tardies. Yikes, right?

If I'm anything like my mother...and I am...I'll be doomed to nocturnality forever. In 30 years you'll see me sitting by the side of my bed drinking Diet Coke and eating popcorn, playing solitaire at midnight.

Here's to life.


Anonymous said...

I hope you're still blogging in 30 years and documenting your late nights, popcorn and diet coke. I'll still be reading.

Mr. Walker said...

I don't even have my original birth certificate, but you still got your seminary grade book. Amazing.

Props for using a rare primary source that is almost a decade old!

The Everyday Housewife said...

I loved seeing your seminary report card! It brought back memories from my early morning seminary days. The only time I was awake was on donut mornings!!

Brittney said...

If it makes you feel any better I was reading this at 3:50 a.m. Don't know why it would, but I'm throwing it out there anyway.