Thursday, March 05, 2009

New blog title?

I know you all loved the confusing but endearing title I used to have but what do you think?

Now...before you all get in a fuss and change your bloglinks, I am not being serious. Nor have I fallen into a vat of self-pity. I just decided to capitalize on an inside joke with...myself. At least I didn't title it something like "Hopelessly Single" or "Single Forever for the Rest of My Life Forever..." or use other adjectives that are far worse like: desperately, deceptively, hysterically...or...incurably. "Perpetually" is just so aptly descriptive--less enduring, more incessant. Like that annoying alarm clock you want to throw across the room and shatter into a million pieces but end up being grateful for when you're not 18 and married and lacking a personal identity. Point being, let's just all have a good hearty laugh at ourselves and how life never turns out like we plan. Live, learn, and move on. No regrets.


Candice said...

I don't care what the title is... I just LOVE that picture.

Lohra said...

It really is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

Ashlee said...

Lohra, I may live in DC and it may be a few years since we've seen each other but consider yourself stalked. I love the picture and it reminds me how freaking awesome you are!

Angie said...

I absolutely love it!!! You are my hero!

Marilou said...

"let's just all have a good hearty laugh at ourselves and how life never turns out like we plan. Live, learn, and move on. No regrets."

Anonymous said...

I'll show you something perpetual. Those last two sentences, my friend! Freshmen year and those darn clever things we came up with. I love it. Nice work.

Becky said...

you're just too awesome!!

Shannon said...

Umm..can you please make that face at me every time I see you? I love it.

The Everyday Housewife said...

LOVE the new title. I really love the word perpetually. I think I may be a copycat and entitle mine "Perpetually Cleaning" or "Perpetually Tired" or "Perpetually Pale, Pasty White". What do you think?

Mike and Emily said...

Love it. And...girl...with that hat, the single state won't last long!!!

Mr. Walker said...

seriously, the only regret you should have is that you didn't post that awesome picture months ago.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... On the flip side you could be Perpetually Cleaning/Cooking/Laundering/Dish-washing (worthy aspiration that it is). Instead you get to be Perpetually Traveling Around the World. Have fun in Ireland!

Corinne said...

I just want you to know that I love ya and you are amazing.

Lindsey said...

Um, I was there when that picture was taken - just so you remember! Also, I decided that I think I know what you should do for the rest of your life (as per our last face-to-face conversation): You should be a writer. I am totally dead serious (not really dead, but serious) - you are an amazing writer and I think you could have a future in it. You might be poor for the first couple years, but who doesn't love ramen? Think about it!

bryan said...

Perpetually is good....but I think incurably is even funnier. IT'S NOW A DISEASE! AAAAAAAHHHHHHH